Technology and Equipment for Glass Structures Ltd. (TEGS Ltd.) was organized in November 1995 on the basis of an experimental group of Saratov Machine Building Research and Development Establishment, that since 1952 has been working in the sphere of glass products fabrication operations research and development of the necessary equipment. Throughout its history TEGS Ltd. got more than 50 certificates of authorship and patents in these spheres. We cooperate with scientific research groups of institutes and universities of the RF and other countries involved in development of new materials and glass products. The company divisions are provided with modern equipment. Computer-aided design systems, computer modelling and statistical processing of experimental results are used for development of new processes and products.
Due to its unique processes our company can fabricate glass structures of any geometry and complexity that cannot be made in mass production. That is why we only set ranges of achievable technical parameters not offering a catalogue of ready products. Our glass products may be used in such spheres as radio electronics, biology, medicine, microoptics, optoelectronics, etc.
Beside glass structures our company fabricates custom, highly effective, reliable and easy-to-use equipment for a vast range of applications. The most of our products are unique. Qualified staff of designers closely works with the customer in order to make the best solution without making product almost satisfying the purchaser’s requirements.